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November 16, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – November 16, 2016 – 6:30 PM
Meeting Minutes –  Cable Advisory Committee (CAC)~~

~~~~~~~~6:30 PM Meeting opened by: Ms. Darcy Rowell, Chair, with Mr. Paul Caneen, Mr. Phil Gransewicz, Mr. David Union, Mr. R. Lane Ware, Mr. David Hilton, Alternate, in attendance.

Committee approved the minutes from 11/9/16.
Committee agreed to have the Holden Charter Contract posted on the Town WEB as an  example of a Charter Contract.
Committee agreed to create a Section 1 in the IAR for clarification questions on the Form 100 Applications from each applicant.  Section 2 of the IAR will have the remaining boiler plate details of the IAR.
Phil and Paul will author clarification questions for the Comcast application.  Lane and Dave U. will author clarification questions for the Charter application.  Each to be complete by next meeting scheduled for 11/30/16.
Committee discussed each application question and formed framework for questions for each applicant.  Clarifications are required for questions 5, 11, 15, 18, 20 and 22.

8:30 PM The CAC meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Paul Caneen CAC member